Commercial Mortgage Broker
CA BRE Brokers License #01707950
Commercial Mortgage Broker
CA BRE Brokers License #01707950
Looking for Great Rates? In many cases we offer rates .5% to 1.5% lower than some banks. We always offer: Integrity, Quick Service and the Ability to Produce. A no-nonsense approach that will pre-qualify you as a borrower/potential buyer quickly upon submission of financial information. We understand time is money and saying “no” is sometimes as important as saying “yes”. Our 42 years of commercial and real estate lending experience ensures your needs will be satisfied with the utmost care and professionalism.Your time is valuable: Our personal attention will make your experience easier, we handle all correspondence/requests with the lender from the time of your application to loan closing. We can assure you that your needs are placed first and provide a level of knowledge allowing you to make informed decisions.
When it comes to investing in commercial and multifamily housing properties, often times the difference between a good investment and a great investment is financing. We understand this here at Commercial Real Estate Loans and that’s why we offer a comprehensive mix of highly customized multifamily and apartment building loan programs to help maximize your return based on the individual needs and requirements of you and your property. Not only that but we also have programs available to refinance your current apartment loan or for acquisition.Our multiple loan programs ensure you get the financing that’s best for you and for your property, while our strong origination volume enables us to negotiate the most favorable rates, terms, and costs for your benefit.
PO BOX 6745 Corpus Christi, TX 78466
Office: 361-866-9035 Toll Free: 800-510-7982 Toll Free Fax: 844-297-1132 CA BRE Brokers License #01707950